Get me out.

So despite the excitement of the past week and the selection of the new President, I was able to finish my Piolet. And in spite of the excitement of the past week, I needed to get the fuck out. So after work Dan, Josh, and I decided to do a night ride out to the hills and…

Descend on Bend: Photo Dump

Here is an outrageous photo dump of the past weekends festivities at Descend on Bend at Hole in the ground here in Oregon. I have recently acquired a Fuji XT1 and was excited to put the new camera through its paces and hopefully tune it in for my liking. I was not disapointed. We were…

WAY BEHIND: Swift Campout 2016

Welp, I am far behind with updating on this adventure. For this years bike-camping trip for the Swift camp out we decided to ride from La Pine to Hole in the ground Oregon. This is the trip that made me decide that I need a dedicated camping machine, not a 350 single speed 29er that’s…


  Chelsea and I have decided to turn the blog into a straight up photography page for myself at this point. We were trying to figure out what to do with the site since we had finished the TAT more than a year ago! I will be posting photo essays and links to my Photography…

Snow Painted Hills: Photos of middle Oregon in winter.

  We end up sleeping in a heavy snow pack outside of Hoodoo in the cascade Range. Dogs nice and toasty. First stop, Smith Rock. We reach the Painted hills just in time for sun down. We talk to a gentleman photographing the hills and he tells us this is the most snow he’s ever…

Live small, travel light, adventure big

We’re coming close to the final stages in the release of our book. It’s been a year since we finished the trip and we’ve held off on releasing the final blog post of the trip to keep with the release of an article about Oregon in Oi Magazine, and the shipping of the books so…

ExistExpire & DoubleShadow

Friendship is like peeing on yourself: everyone can see it, but only you get the warm feeling that it brings. – Robert Bloch During these past few weeks, a couple of our friends who are touring across the US on motorcycles came to visit us – oh, and did I mention that they don’t even…

You Can Always Rely on Cheese: Personal Ramblings about Stuff

Fellow Adventurers, take your time.  See the trail you’re on; it’s not about crossing something off your bucket list.  Remember our philosophy on life; don’t be hypocritical. It’s not about getting away from civilization, it’s about getting to the heart of it.  We’ve met few people, but each person was amazing in their own right….